
Open-source cross-platform server-side JavaScript runtime environment.


Node.js and npm installation

Starting from Fedora 24, npm is a part of Node.js package and does not need to be installed separately. Therefore, to install both npm and Node.js, you need to run:

$ sudo dnf install nodejs

This will install V8 Javascript Engine, Node.js runtime and npm package manager and their dependencies. Versions present in repositories are usually current or to-be (in Rawhide) Node.js LTS releases, including npm and V8 engine that come with them.

Alternative versions

There are alternative versions available as Fedora Modules.

Note: Modules are available for all editions from Fedora 29, and on the Server Edition from Fedora 28.

To list all available versions, run:

$ dnf module list

And to install an alternative version, run a command similar to this:

$ sudo dnf module install nodejs:8

Managing multiple versions with nvm

nvm (Node Version Manager) is a bash script to manage multiple Node.js versions. nvm makes it easier to install, uninstall, and switch between different versions. Visit its Github page to follow the latest installation instructions.


Yarn package manager is available since Fedora 29. You can install it by running:

$ sudo dnf install yarnpkg

Yarn can be used in the following manner:

$ yarnpkg add request
$ yarn add request

Installing npm modules

Installing Node.js modules is covered in Node.js modules.

Installing Global Modules

Create a directory for global installations inside your home directory:

mkdir ~/.npm-global

Set the new directory path for npm:

npm config set prefix '~/.npm-global'

Open/create the ~/.profile file and add the following line:

export PATH=~/.npm-global/bin:$PATH

Update your system variables with this command:

source ~/.profile

Authors: Adam Samalik, Damian, Fahad Munir, Koen Bolhuis, Pavel Valena